Efforts for Society

Donating books to local schools and libraries


After thinking about what we can do for children, who will create the future, we decided to donate children’s books to local educational institutions and libraries.

Donating solar power generation systems to city offices


To show our gratitude to the local government that has been supporting our development and operation of power stations, we donated a roof-mounted solar power generation system to the Tarumizu Public Office. In addition, we clean the system periodically. Through these activities, we are working to promote awareness of and the spread of renewable energy.

Participating in local activities


We are actively participating in local community activities, thereby contributing to revitalizing local communities. As part of such an effort, we are supporting and sponsoring various events, for example, participating in cleanup activities hosted by local neighborhood associations.

Exchange with Japanese and overseas students


We invited a group of university students from Hong Kong who visited Japan and discussed the power supply situation and challenges with renewable energy in China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong. Also, we accept student internships in Japan to support the development of next-generation human resources.



We donated the preserved bread stored in our head office for emergency use, which would have expired in two months, to the NPO food bank, MOTTAINAI JAPAN. We will continuously work to reduce food loss through such activities as this.